Friday, December 5, 2008

Their Eyes Were Watching God - Student Lead Discussions

We are currently reading Their Eyes Were Watching God. Students have signed up for chapters from the book. Their assignment is to prepare for and lead a discussion. Here's the assignment:

English 12, Unit 3:
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Presentation of Chapters

Each student will be responsible for leading a 15 minute discussion on a chapter from Their Eyes Were Watching God. Presentations will enable class discussion based on the questions that the presenter(s) prepare in advance of the chapter presentation date.
In planning the presentation, each student should:
• Write a summary of the chapter.
• Develop 3-4 literal questions based on facts from the novel;
• Develop 3-4 interpretive questions that require the individual connections and analysis;
• Develop 1-3 universal questions relate the chapter to the lives of the class or the world at large.
• Include in the questions the author’s use of literary devices, such as imagery, metaphor, simile, and symbolism to help construct meaning and understanding from the text during the class discussion;
• Label the questions as fact, interpretation, or universal.
• Turn in an electronic of the questions on the class period the day before the presentation so that they may be loaded onto the Notebook software and used in class. If you fail to do this, you will need to make 28 copies of your hand out to use in class No Electronic Study Guide or No copies = no points (If your presentation is on Monday, the questions are due on Friday. )

Presentations will begin and end promptly. Be on Time! NO late work will be accepted!

It is expected that all students will keep up with the reading of the novel. Points will be awarded for offering meaningful contributions to the discussions.

Chapter Assignments:
Mrs. Welshon will assign chapters to students. Longer chapters may have more than one person presenting. Group work will have to be completed outside of class. Each person is responsible for writing his/her own summary and questions. For example, if you have two people doing a chapter, they will need 6- 8 questions based on fact, 6-8 questions based on interpretation and 2-6 based on universal elements. A group of two people would have 30 minutes to teach their chapter. Turn in each member’s questions together with the questions that the group has selected to use. Each member of a group will receive the same grade, which will be a reflection of the effort put in by each.

Class Participation:
Each member of the class will be responsible for participation by having the book open to the appropriate chapter, giving eye contact, and taking part in the discussion. I will, as fairly as possible, be awarding credit based on their participation and contributions. Keep in mind that side conversations will be interpreted by me as not paying attention.
Five or more meaningful responses = 50 points
Three meaningful responses = 40 points
Two meaningful responses = 30 points
Quietly Sitting = 0 points

Presentation of Chapter = 200 (DNM 0-120 Meets C 150 Exceeds B 170 Exceeds A 200)
Questions to the Teacher (Only is provided by the due date, the day BEFORE the presentation) = 50
Class Participation = 50 per day

Keep in mind that presentations will proceed as scheduled; no late work will be permitted. If you are late, or not present on your scheduled day, I will teach your chapter and you will loose the points. It does not matter if your absence was excused on unexcused!

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