Their Eyes Were Watching God -Chapter 13
1. Did Janie’s sneaking off to marry Tea Cake likely give the town a reason to be angry with her?
-maybe she could have convinced them to accept Tea Cake.
-People get P.O.’d when they don’t get invited to the wedding- they feel snubbed.
2. Is it odd that Tea Cake left ahead of Janie? If a couple runs off/elopes, is it usually done together?
3. “It was hard to love a woman who always make you wishful” (117).
-Are pretty women always required to prove themselves?
-How would things be different if Janie weren’t so pretty?
4. Why would Janie keep her money a secret? Does she still not fully trust Tea Cake?
5. How do we “check” ourselves from making bad decisions? What should Janie have done differently?
6. Describe a time when you have done something so completely dumb and how you recovered from your demise (Janie’s realization of her and Ms. Tyler) (119).
7. Why didn’t Tea Cake invite Janie to the party? (122)
8. Is he lying? Is he testing her?
9. How well should you know someone before you marry him/ her? How do you know?
10. Is it a good idea to reveal “bad habits” before you commit to some one? (124).
11. What “bad habits” are bad enough to throw in the towel on a relationship? (What about that list of characteristics of the perfect mate?
12. Is Janie defending Tea Cake out of love? Embarrassment? Fear? (126).
13. Why wouldn’t Tea Cake want a doctor to check out his migraines?
14. What details does Tea Cake leave out of his heroic story?
-he was cheating?
-he killed the guy?
15. “When I ain’t got nothin’ you don’t get nothin’” (128). Will he stop gambling & get a real job?
16. “Folks don’t do nothin’ down there but make money and fun and foolishness” (128).
-When is it time to set priorities and get real about a future?
Their Eyes Were Watching God -Chapter 14
1. “Ground so rich that everything went” (129). What is this foreshadowing?
2. What does Tea Cakes gambling habit symbolize?
-Janie gambles away her future?
-You have to take risks for some adventure in life?
-Love is just a gamble anyway?
3. “Even if you didn’t never find no game it’s always some trashy rascal dat needs a good killer.’” (130-131).
Did Tea Cake kill the man who stabbed him? (See page 126: “Honey no up-to-date man don’t fool wid no razor. De man wid de switchblade will be done cut yuh tah death while you foolin’ wid a razor.”
See page 126: “He went out and bought a new switchblade knife…”
4. Is Tea Cake about money or just excitement? (Janie shoots alligators & they sell the hides-?)
5. What is attractive to Janie about Tea Cake’s lifestyle? (131). “People ugly from ignorance and broke from being poor.
6. What’s different about Janie’s housekeeping now that she & Tea Cake are “on the much”?
7. Does Tea Cake really need Janie to work beside him?
8. Is it healthy to spend so much time together in a relationship?
9. How important is it for couples to have similar interests? When is it okay to do things independently?
10. Did Tea Cake get Janie into the field with him for any other reason?
11. Are Janie & Tea Cake equals?
12. What is better: Wealth & social status or hand-to-mouth & party time atmosphere all day, everyday?
Chapter 14 - Lisette
1. For what reason do Janie and Tea Cake move to the Everglades? literal
2. Why did Tea Cake say Janie and him had to get their ahead of time? literal
3. What did Tea Cake say he was going to be picking and making money off of? literal
4. "It was generally assumed that she thought herself too good to work like the rest of the women and that Tea Cake pomped her up tuh dat." Do you believe Tea Cake is the reason for her thinking this way? Or is it also because of the way she was living before? universal
5. Do you think Tea Cake was trying to keep an eye on Janie when he would stop by the house during his work hours? interpretive
Raina - Chapter 15 Summary!
Janie became jealous of a girl named Nunkie. Tea cake and Nunkie would always flirt with each other and the whole town started to notice. When they were working in the field tea cake and Nunkie ran off, when Janie found them they were rustling in the cane field and yelled at them. After that Janie truly believed that tea cake was fooling around with that girl. Later that night tea cake tried to talk to Janie but she didn’t want to hear it. Tea cake held her and wouldn’t let go the wrestled till they fall to the floor and kissed then they fall asleep and he reassured Janie that Nunkie was nothing to him.
1. Who was Janie jealous of? (F)
2. Where did Janie find Tea Cake & Nunkie? (F)
3. How would Nunkie flirt with Tea cake? (F)
4. Why is Janie so worried about losing Tea Cake? (I)
5. Does Tea Cake really love Janie, and vise versa? (I)
6. Would you react as Janie did about Tea Cake and Nunkie? (U)
7. What does Tea Cake say Nunkie is good for? (F)
8. Does Janie really believe that he loves Nunkie in the morning? (F)
9. Tea Cake says that Janie is the kind of women to make a man forget what? (f)
10. Would you trust Tea Cake? (U)
6. Do you think Janie is more in love now with Tea Cake than she was with Logan and Joe? universal
7. "She was sorry for her friends back there and scornful of the others." Do you think she should feel this way towards the others still living in Eatonville because of how they doubted hers and Tea Cakes relationship? universal
8. What did Tea Cake mean by, “Dis ain’t no game fuh pennies. Po’ man ain’t got no business at de show.”? Interp.
Their Eyes Were Watching God -Chapter 15
1. Why does Tea Cake chase and play with Nunkie if he knows she’s playing him?
2. What kind of flirting is okay> when is it time to set things straight with someone if the teasing/flirting gets out of hand?
3. Is there a different set of rules for make/female friendships?
4. Compare Janie’s behavior with Tea Cake’s situation with Nunkie to a possible mistress situation with Joe Starks. How would Janie have acted if Joe stepped over the line of faithfulness?
5. Should Janie have taken off after Nunkie? When is it not appropriate to physically make your relationship issue of public or “air dirty laundry”?
6. Is it right for Janie to smack Tea Cake at home for his flirtations with Nunkie?
7. Is there anything significant about Tea Cake not engaging in a physical fight with Janie?
8. Is it important to have verbal reinforcements of a husband’s/wife’s commitment form time to time?
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