Friday, August 22, 2008

Poetry Annotation - "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman

This week we began the poetry annotation by working with "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman.

Here's the assignment. You can get a copy of the lyrics by simply googling "Fast Car" lyrics.

English 12 Unit 1:
”Fast Car” Model Annotation

The goal of this assignment is to learn how to annotate a poem. This will help you better understand the meaning and purpose of a poem.

You will understand how finding the speaker (personae), audience(s), purpose and argument aids in your better understanding a piece of writing.

In small groups you will do an annotation of the poem and present it to the class.

What You Need:
o A Small Group to Work With
o 1 Extra Copy of Fast Car
o Scissors
o Tape or Glue
o Colored Markers or Pencils
o 1 Extra Large Sheet of Paper

English 12 Unit 1:
”Fast Car” Model Annotation

1. Cut up the poem so that it can
be attached to the poster in one
continuous column.

2. Write the names of your
group members on the front
of the poster.

Reread the poem and begin
To mark words, phrases and lines that help you figure out:
o Who the speaker is and what you know about them.
o What is the speaker like?
o What has happened to the speaker?
o What is the speaker’s attitude towards the event(s),
o Etc.
o Who is/are the intended audience?
o How do you know this?
o Why did this person take time to write the poem?
o What is the message?
o Are there multiple messages? If so, what are they? Who are they intended for?
o What does the speaker want you to do with the information?
o How does the speaker want you to behave or change?

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