Thursday, April 30, 2009

The 5 R's of Creative NonFiction by Lee Gutkind Questions

During my research on Creative NonFiction I found that "The 5Rs of Creative NonFiction" is a major article in this genre. I was lucky enough to find an online version of it. Please read the article and answer the questions. The article can be found:

The 5 R’s of Creative Non-Fiction By Lee Gutkind
Comprehension Questions

1. What is your response to paragraphs 1-4 and 6-8?

2. What does the author mean when he uses the term “fly-on-the-wall” or “ living room sofa” concept of immersion?

3. Use your own words to describe what the author means when he uses the term, “immersion journalism”.

4. Read paragraph #12 * (“The other phrase…) to get a sense of what he means when he uses the term, “creative non-fiction”. Make a bulleted list that explains what creative nonfiction is according to this description:

5. Explain what Gutkind means when he writes about “’immersion’ or ‘real life’ aspect of the writing experience.” R1 = Real life)

6. What is reportage and how does it relate to creative nonfiction?

7. The R2 is reflection. Whose reflection are we talking about? Why is it important?

8. The is R3 research important? Why or how is it used in creative nonfiction?

• How does is launch and anchor the creative process?

• Why research? What is the benefit?

9. The R4 is reading? What kind of reading should be done? Why?

10. Explain the two phases of R5, writing

• Phase #1:

• Phase #2:

11. Why are vignettes important in creative nonfiction?

12. Explain the importance of the following elements of a scene:
• Action –

• Dialogue –

• Intimate and specific details –

13. What does he mean when he says, “The frame represents a way of ordering or controlling a writer’s narrative”?

• How do flashback figure into framing and storytelling?

14. Explain who the following people are and how they are connected:
• Richie Becker –

• Dave and Winkle Funk –

• Pvt. Rebecca Treat –

• Dr. Bartley Griffith

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