Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Stranger in the Villiage" by James Baldwin -

At this point in class we have worked paragraphs 1-14 together. Paragraphs 15-24 have been assigned to student pairs. Each student pair is to annotate and analyze their paragraph. They will then present their findings to the class, using them as a springboard for running the class discussion. It is expected that the text annotation be transferred to the text via our Smartboard. Here's what is to be discussed:
Read the paragraph aloud to the class;
- Summarize the meaning of the paragraph;
- Underline/Highlight and discuss the most important sentences/lines/phrases/words
in the paragraph. Justify and explain your choices;
- Explain the purpose of the paragraph in relation to the essay as a whole (Why is
it included? What is its purpose?)
- Describe Baldwin's reflection on what it means to him.

English 12 Unit 2: Stranger in the Village

(Please note that the format of this worksheet has been condensed. If you intend to fill it in, please copy and paste this onto a word processing document and add space for your answers.)

As you read this famous essay by James Baldwin please write down responses to the following questions:

1. Describe, in detail, the “village” as it is portrayed in this essay.

2. In general, what is it that people fear from this stranger?

3.In general, what is it that people might want this stranger?

4. Why is James Baldwin such and unusual stranger?

5. James Baldwin feels a very strong sense of being an outsider/stranger. Is this because the town members make him feel this way? Does he make himself feel that way? Or is it a combination? Explain your answer with at least two specific quotes and analysis from the text:




6. What is the impact on James Baldwin as a result of being a stranger in the village?

7. What are some of the risks that James Baldwin faces by being/becoming part of the village?

8. Describe how various people try to help James Baldwin feel less of a stranger.

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