Mrs. Welshon's Set of Questions:
In this chapter Janie marries Logan in a big ceremony in Nanny’s house. Janie is worried because she does not love him, but expects love to develop naturally, just as Nanny said it would. A few months later Janie goes to see Nanny to learn about love. She tells Nanny that she does not love Logan and Nanny gets mad at her for not appreciating the wealth and stability that Logan provides for her. After Janie leaves Nanny prays to go to care for Janie. Nanny feels like she has done the best she could. One month later, Nanny dies. Janie’s lack of love for Logan leads her to begin feeling disillusioned.
1. What is Janie worried about when she does to visit with Nanny? (literal)
2. What is Nanny’s reaction to Janie when she first begins their visit? (literal)
3. What does Janie mean when she says,
“ Ah wants things sweet wid mah marriage lak when you sit under a pear tree and thin. Ah…” (p.24) (Interpretation)
4. What advice and/or comfort could you give Nanny? (universal)
5. Explain what the following passage means,
“She often spoke to falling seeds and said, ‘Ah hope you fall on soft ground’ because she had heard seeds saying that to each other as they passed.’” (p. 25) (Interpretation)
6. Explain what the following sentence means and implies.
“Janie’s first dream was dead, so she became a woman.” (Interpretation) (p. 25)
7. Do you think this kind of situation happens very often these days? Why or why not? (universal)
Chapter 3 – Craig’s Questions
1. What does Janie think of love and marriage?
2. Who did Janie marry? Where at?
3. Why does Janie not want her husband anymore?
4. If you were married for a couple months and you didn’t feel the same way about your spouse anymore, what would you do?
5. Why does Nanny think Janie should want her husband?
6. Why is Nanny so happy to see Janie?
7. How do you think Nanny knew something was wrong with Janie?
Amber's Chapter 3 Questions
Summary: Janie thinks that you get married and you automatically fall in love, and once she gets married to Logan, she goes home and expects it to happen but it doesn’t. So she goes and talks to her Nanny. Her Nanny explains that if he doesn’t beat you or mistreat you then you will just have to learn to love him.
1. What does Janie think about marriage? (F)
2. Do you think love will just happen once you marry someone? (U)
3. Do you think Nanny believes that you will learn to love your husband? (L)
4. Do you think Janie likes her husband? (L)
5. Why would they put something in Logan’s seat? (F)
6. Why is Janie so upset? (F)
7. What do you think the author means by “ There are years that ask questions and years that answer?” (L)
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