Chapter 4 Questions:
Janie finds that marriage is not what she had expected. She finds herself very unhappy. The tension between them is very real. All of that changes when Janie meets Joe Starks one day while she is out cutting potatoes. He tells Janie to leave Logan and marry him. Janie asks Logan about how he would react if she left him. He replied that he does not worry about it because no other man would want her. They are both hurt and turn to lick their wounds. Janie leaves Logan and marries Joe.
1. The first paragraph states that “… Janie noticed that her husband had stopped talking in rhymes to her. .” (p. 26) What does this mean/indicate? (Interpretive)
2. Do you think it was a reasonable expectation that Janie would work in the fields soon, or should she be able to stay with the work in the house? (Universal)
3. Describe the citified man. (Factual)
4. Who is Joe Starks, and what does he want? (Factual)
5. On page 29 it reads, “Janie pulled back a long time because he did not represent sun-up and puller and blooming trees, but he spoke for far horizon.” What does this mean? What is Janie doing or not doing? (Interpretive)
6. Why does Logan want to hurt Janie? (Interpretive)
7. What are some of the mean things Logan says to Janie? (Factual)
8. Why do you think Janie left Logan? Did she do the right thing? What advice would you give Janie if she came to you with this problem? (Universal)
9. On page 32, read the paragraph that begins with “ Janie turned from the door without answering, … She turned wrongside out just standing there and feeling…” Explain the change that takes place in Janie and what she decides to do. (Interpretive)
10. Do you think Janie did the right thing at the end of this chapter? Is it a realistic behavior? (Universal)
Lena's Chapter 4 Questions:
Summary: Chapter 4
In this chapter Janie realizes that Logan is changing, and not treating her the way he use to…he is becoming less affectionate. One day, Logan leaves to town, and when he does a new guy named Joe Starks comes along…he’s from Georgia-going to Florida. He stops for a week or two in Janie’s neighborhood, and after this stay he tells Janie he wants to marry her, and move to the new town their building. So, she confronts Logan about what he would do if she met someone new, they fight and they next day Janie runs down the road to meet Joe. They run away together and get married in Green Cove Springs.
1. Do you think Janie is really in love with Joe, or does she just want change? (I)
2. Why does Joe leave in the beginning? (F)
3. Who does Logan say Janie acts like on page 30? (F)
4. Where does Logan say is Janie’s place? (F)
5. What does this mean “From now until death she was going to have flower dust and springtime sprinkled over everything.”? (page 32)(I)
6. Do you think Janie knew she hurt Logan as bad as she did when she asked what he would do if she ran away with someone else? (I)
7. If you were married to someone, you didn’t really love but they never mistreated you, and you met someone new…like Janie did, would you leave your significant other after just two weeks of knowing this new person? (U)
8. Do you think Janie would’ve ran to the pump the same way if Joe didn’t look the way he did, what if he looked just like Logan, would she have made such an effort to get noticed? (I)
Mrs. Welshon's Chapter 5 Questions:
Janie and Joe (sometimes called Jody) go to Eatonville. At this point, Janie feels happy and proud. Joe finds out more about the people and the land. He buys 200 acres and decides to start a town. People are impressed with Joe. Things are good for a while, but then it starts to change. At first they want him to be the mayor and get things organized. He builds a house and a story where they will work. Joe wants Janie to look better than any of the other women. Jody begins to cause Janie to be constrained both in how she dress and how she does her hair. Later things begin to change and the town’s people begin to resent him.
1. Describe what Eatonville was like at the beginning of this chapter. (Factual)
2. What do the men think about Janie at the beginning of this chapter? (Factual)
3. How do you think Janie felt when the people in the town called for him to give a speech? (Interpretation)
4. Explain the importance of the following quote:
“Thank yuh fuh yo’ compliments, but mah wife don’t know nothin’ ‘bout no speech-makin’. Ah never married her for nothin’ lak dat. She’s un woman and her place is in de home.” (p. 43)
5. Do you think Jody has treated the town’s people with respect, or has he bullied and harassed them into doing what he wants? Are there real people like Joe? (Universal)
6. Explain what is happening during the parts of the chapter and what the quotes means:
“ Over, Janie? I god, Ah ain’t even started good. Ah told you in de very first beginnin’ dat Ah aimed tuh be uh big voice. You oughta be glad, ‘cause dat makes uh big woman outa you.’
A feeling of coldness and fear took hold of her. She felt far away from things and lonely.” (page 46)
“ Like things had been kept from them. Maybe more things in the world besides spitting pots had been hid from them, when they wasn’t told no better than to spit in tomato cans. It was bad enough enough for white people, but when one of your own color could be so different it put you in a wonder. It was like seeing your sister turn into a ‘gator. A familiar strangeness. “ (p. 48)
“The town had a basketful of feelings good and bad about Joe’s positions and possessions, but non had the temerity to challenge him. They bowed down to him rather, because he was all of these things, and then again he was all of these things because the town bowed down.” (p. 50)
Mandi and Mason's Chapter 5 Questions -
Chapter 5
Joe and Janie take a train to the colored town and when they get there, Joe finds out that there is no mayor yet and rents a house for a month. Then he finds out that the town only owns 50 acres and goes to Captain Eaton and buys another 200 acres in cash. Then he built a store and new families started to move into the town. Joe soon became mayor and while he was busy upgrading the town, Janie began to feel lonely and scared and unsure of the life she had chosen. The town began talking about how harsh Joe was, but how good of a leader he was and how he yelled at Janie for small things and made her work in the store. The loved him and feared him.
1-Who were the first two men that Joe and Janie saw upon entering the town?
2-How long did Joe rent out the house?
3-How may acres did Joe pay for in cash?
4-What is Joe’s last name?
5-What was the first building Joe built for the town?
6-Who did Joe hire as carpenters for the town?
7-Who was the mayor’s wife?
8-Did the town love everything Joe did?
1-Why do you think Hicks lied about being at the Stark’s house?
2-Why did Starks go after Janie in the first place?
3-Why was Hicks upset that Joe bought the 200 acres?
4-Why did Joe make Janie dress up perfect for the store opening?
5-Do you think Janie was happy about working in the store? Why or why not?
6-Why did Joe not let Janie try and say a few words at the store opening?
7-What was the significance of the lamp post to the town? Why was it so important?
8-Why is Hicks so jealous of Joe?
1- Could you give up your life and go with a complete stranger to start a new life in a strange place?
2-What matters most to you in a spouse?
3-Could you live with a verbally abusive spouse, even if they said they cared for you and bought you nice things?
4-Would you put a random man in charge of your town if he had money and the courage to change things?
5-How would life be for you if you didn’t have a store or a post office in your town?
6-What did the light post symbolize?
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